The storm seems to be passing this evening, supposed to get quite nippy tonight, but warming a little more each day this week. Here at the top of yellow gate we got between 12" - 15" on the level but with the wind there were a few deeper drifts. Looking forward to Christmas and New Year's here in Jasper! If your up snowmobiling drop by! The trail up 10th Street is packed and ready to ride.... I wouldn't try a wheeled vehicle (maybe an Argo) this stuff is packed but also kind of fluffy, you spin a tire and you will be sitting on the frame! Besides, we would REALLY APPRECIATE not having the snowmobile trail tore up!
Edit: Forgot to add a thank you to the Caretaker Jerry for dragging his sled up and back down our trail... really helped smooth and pack the track!

It was a nice ride today down FSR 250 deep 3 feet snow back