Hey all, wanted to let you know that I will be offering cabin services this Spring 2020. Below is a graphic half sheet I have made for starters. I will also be offering Dewinterizing cabins, any rides, window cleaning, groceries, errands and pick-up type of services.
Wouldn't it be great to drive home to Jasper this spring or summer and move right in and not have to worry about initial water and setting up your cabin when it can be done all for you when you arrive.
Very negotiable and reasonable rates by someone who lives here in Jasper year round and cares about your dream as much as I care about mine.
Please feel free to call me at cabin 719-852-8846 or email at bringmemountains@gmail.com

Where can I get a map of all the lots for sale?
Some 50° and sunny days coming up we are planning on continuing to be doing lot cleanup making piles to be chipped/mulched have a couple of projects starting up let us know if you need photos of your lots or cabins let us know!
Not sure if the contact info is still correct for the cabin services? I called the land-line and it was basically out-of-order due to the poor weather. Then I sent an email to breingmemointains@gmail.com and no response . Jerry and Kevin, is everything okay? Didn't get much time to catch up this summer but we're so thankful to have you in our community.
Good news! We needed something like this in Jasper.
Kevin, I bumped into you at the beginning of November while walking the property with the two sleds on 250. I remember you saying you were building a cabin. We didn’t stay long enough to have a look. Can you point me in the right direction to get started?
That sounds awesome! Thank you!